The TL;DR on this is always, always, always dig deep into any organization offering publishing services and do your due diligence. There are many ways to spend a lot of money and receive little value. Here’s the result of my digging into one of those services.
I’m part of several writers groups on a variety of social media sites. Earlier today, A fellow going by the name of “John Stokes” posted a link on one of these sites to, saying something along the lines of “Apply to get on the waiting list for high quality Canadian book production services”. The image attached to the post referred to Agora Publishing.
A wait list? No reputable publisher I know of has a “wait list”, especially not one offering self-publishing support. They might have a slush pile, but not a wait list. This aroused my suspicions. It sounds like that well-worn marketing technique “false scarcity”. Better get on that wait list quick, or it will be years before they get to you! Right. Let’s check that out!
I left a comment saying that authors might want to check references before spending any time and/or money on this, and “John” deleted the post. Bad move, “John”. Now I’m curious!
First, as always, I check with Victoria Strauss’ Writer Beware blog at and There’s nothing there, but there was a Twitter post from her indicating that there have been complaints. You’ll have to find that yourself, since I’m no longer linking to sites that support fascism, and Strauss hasn’t made it to Mastodon yet.
Next, I thought I’d look up Agora myself. What we get is a nice looking home page, but most of the links on that page just replicate the same information. There’s no evident content beyond that. Here’s what the home page looks like:
Looks okay, I guess. Save for the fact that the address is a PO box in a shopping mall and it’s an awfully thin site for 23 years of publishing. I figured I’d see where it’s hosted, so I did a quick IP address lookup and got, which appears to be a VPS at Scala Hosting. Noted.
Next, I wondered what all these sites that were “talking about Agora Publishing” actually had to say. None of the images actually link to websites, and I’d never heard of any of these publications, so that requires a little searching.
First up, the Toronto Business Journal found at, which we can find at (drum roll)
There it is, in the footer: developed by Well, that’s an independent, objective source, isn’t it? For an extra bonus check the sidebar which features some COVID-19 conspiracy theory garbage and (surprise, surprise) self-publishing services through Agora. There’s more cross-links there too if you want to really dig into the mind of this person.
On to the “Canadian Business Daily”. That site doesn’t come up, but there’s a YouTube channel of that name that links to at, you guessed it,! Here we find… well it’s not a business journal, that’s for sure. All I can say is if I were an incel trolling for women to “neg”, I’d build a site that looked a lot like this one.
If you can stand to scroll down, you can find insightful business articles like “Are demonic clones now running the world?” Seriously.
Moving on, we have “Le Canadian” (yes, also at
This is pretty much the same whacked out content as the other sites, still featuring dating events in the past. There’s no explicit mention of Agora, but the contact page lists “National Co-Managing Editor: John Stokes”. So, another independent journalistic source there. Is this starting to smell the same for you? I bet it is!
Next up we have “The Ottawa Star”, a non-responsive site, if I managed to find the right one. And finally, the glowing, independent review that would be found at “Toronto Capitalistocracy” [wut? LOL], if the site could ever be located. I found nothing referencing this ludicrously named site.
I was going to dig into “John Stokes” a little more, but I got blocked real quick. That’s great defence of my remarks there, bro. Nothing to hide, eh?
But there are ways around being blocked. I’m not planning to dig any deeper, but here’s the source for his profile image:
He’s cropped it, of course, but it’s good to know that “John” makes a good “Man in Blue Longs Sleeves Smiling at the Camera while Sitting on an Office Chair”. (Credit to Yan Krukau, who I imagine has never met the person behind the “John Stokes” name. Needless to say, I won’t be convinced that a “John Stokes” exists until I see some official documentation.
Now, should you be masochistic enough to find some of the books available from Agora, be prepared for lots more conspiracy theory and the like. I’ll spare you what else I’ve learned.
It is probably redundant to say this, but if you’re looking for help self-publishing, Agora is not an option I’d recommend.
Update: A friend did a reverse lookup on the phone number and found Magazine Publishing Montreal, QC. That site is dead now, but a LinkedIn page describes it as “ is an an eclectic lifestyles oriented magazine which includes investigative analysis and sightings reports on UFO and alien sightings.”, which sounds consistent with these other sites. Meanwhile there is an (also defunct), which was located at the same mall, same “BP” (which seems to be an attempt at “box postale”, or “bag postale”, except in French it’s CP “Case Postale”). Here’s a capture from the Facebook page:
Same phone number too! None of this seems to be based on the name, which looks like a sleazy “casual dating” site based in Cyprus. I can’t see anything to say that they’re related, but opening a bistro based on the name of a sleazy dating site is curious, to say the least. Especially with all the dating-related content on those “business” sites. Possibly it’s just an outdated attempt to get some search traffic and route it through an affiliate link, or maybe it’s just deranged. It’s hard to tell.
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