Your use of this site is your consent to our Privacy Policy, as defined below.
By using this site you agree to the following:
- We will try to track your behaviour in the most specific way possible.
- We will attempt to identify you personally.
- With the exception of your e-mail address, we will share any information we gather with anyone, especially if they pay us money and appear to be shady.
- You agree to give us all your money and any other physical assets upon request, including your Pacemaker (if applicable).
- This agreement is binding on you, your descendants, your ancestors, and people you pass on the street.
- You agree to provide a DNA sample and genome coding upon request and at your expense, for identification purposes.
- You agree to let us use cookies.
- You agree not to complain if we leave cookie crumbs in your bed.
- You own every thing you have thought of or will think of, however we can use it for any purpose whatsoever until the end of time and the end of the Universe without compensating you in any way whatsoever.
- We can revise this policy at any time without telling you.
- You understand that we tend to use foul language (crap), fowl language (goose), and sometimes both (chickenshit).
- Since the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) explicitly prohibits many of the provisions contained in this policy, if you are a citizen of the European Union, upon our request you agree to immediately forfeit that citizenship and become a citizen of a country of our choosing. If no country is available on short notice, you agree to become a citizen of a country we make up.
Finally, we will never share your e-mail address with anyone, ever.
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