If You Liked “The Secret” is Live

If You Liked “The Secret” went live yesterday. Talk about a project that expands to exceed available resources, this was it.

The site is for people who liked the movie “The Secret”. It offers some of the classic titles in this field of thought, customized with a person’s name and downloaded in electronic format. It sounds like a good idea on its own, but it’s a surprisingly powerful moment when you open up a book and find it written for you. (more…)

Rochen Rocks!

As a developer of web sites, I’ve had experience with quite a few hosting providers over the years. Few of them have been much beyond “satisfactory”. After watching how Rochen managed the extraordinary demands of the Joomla community web site (www.joomla.org), and considering that they did this above and beyond the call of duty — as a sponsor Rochen sees no direct revenue from Joomla, I recently decided to open an account there.

The relationship is new, but so far it’s looking very, very good. (more…)

Is Microsoft Windows About to Collapse Under its Own Weight?

My McAfee anti-viral, anti-hack, anti-this, anti-that software service updated itself a little while back. Aside from an irritating attempt to assume control over some security functions that I use other tools for, it dropped in a pretty large set of generally reasonable functions to protect my system. Let me qualify that. That’s “generally reasonable” for Windows. For just about any other modern operating system, they’d be redundant or meaningless.

The problem is that even after disabling a lot of the new functionality, this update also did a fine job of reducing the overall performance of my machine by about 30 percent. The incredible load imposed by this class of “defensive software” is a direct result of major architectural flaws in Microsoft Windows.

Useful Free Web Developer Tool: “Multiple IE”

Those of us who do web development face a daunting task. Even with well defined web standards, every browser implementation has differing levels of compliance, bugs, and differences in interpretation that can make a site that looks great in one browser look awful, or even non-functional in another.

Then there’s Microsoft. Despite being a party to the development of many of these standards, they’re notorious for going their own way and for ignoring standards when it doesn’t suit them. The problem is that Internet Explorer is by far the most installed browser out there, so web site developers are left to accommodate their errors and arrogance. (more…)

phpGroupWare: Cool Open Source Software Needs Help

I’ve been running a nifty little package called “phpGroupWare” for a few years now with great success. It’s got just about everything you would want in a groupware package: contact management, shared calendars, document storage and retrieval, e-mail, and much more.

This is a project that experienced an all too common event in open source: a fork. Some years ago, there was an argument on the future direction of the project. As I vaguely recall, it had something to do with licensing. I wasn’t around for the fireworks, but this tends to be a deeply philosophical issue and one of the most common reasons for OSS forks. (more…)
