If there’s still a Google "AdSense" banner on this page, then this post is less relevant. I’ve had the banner up for a day or two on a "hey why not try it" basis. So far, all the ads have been related either to blogging, or how to make quick cash from AdSense! Talk about self-referential. If this keeps up, I’ll take it off the site (I might try moving the site to another domain just to see if there’s a change).
What this really means is that Google isn’t using any of the "real" content on this page to select ads. Has blog spamming become so prevalent and uncontrollable that Google simply shuts down when it comes to blog sites? Sure someone can put in spurious references to obviously "hot" key phrases (let’s take "Weight Loss" as an example), but can this bias their algorithm that much? Does that one mention carry enough emphasis to generate a relevant ad? Are other related terms required to gain selection (e.g. "diet"… and others I won’t mention for fear of getting an ad related to that subject).
Surely Google’s algorithms are smart enough to find cases where the same phrase occurs "too many" times; where the keyword to content ratio is too high for any given set of keywords. I found a blog that used the term "SEO Rochester" dozens of times, by someone claiming to be good at writing content for good search engine placement. Although her company comes up high on a search for those terms, her blog doesn’t. Searches that incorporate geographic terms are easy (try a search on "cooking tools canada" and you’ll see my favourite site (ashtongreen.com) come up at or near the top; drop the "canada" and it falls to somewhere past 50th). [Disclaimer: although Ashton Green is a fantastic company, this is a strongly biased example; I wrote the code for this site and spent quite some time making sure it was search engine friendly.] SEO is easy when you have relevant content and difficult when you don’t.
Or maybe it just means that the process of opening an AdSense account is unrelated to the operating of their indexing bots. Maybe the generic nature of the ads occurs because this site simply isn’t indexed yet. One would think that they would have the capability to "index on demand", and that the AdSense system could request indexing as part of the approval process, but maybe not.
Watch that banner. If the ads become relevant to content, we’ll know GoogleBot has been here. If it goes away, we’ll know that blog content has much lower weight in the relevance algorithm than it did in the past.
Adsense is b*llsh*t advertising program. But unfortunatelly there are no good alternative.
Edited: Trying to get links to SEO contests doesn’t work here.