by Alan Langford | 2007-11-29 | It's a Code, Code World
Yesterday I accepted an invitation to go to New York next weekend for a Joomla bug squashing day (or as Wilco, the development workgroup coordinator puts it, “PBF”: Pizza Bugs and Fun).
This morning I booked my ticket.
This evening I’m terrified.
by Alan Langford | 2007-11-29 | It's a Code, Code World
For any project where I’ve been managing more than one or two developers, I’ve always been a proponent of good testing and QA practises, but until fairly recently I wasn’t big on formal unit testing, especially in my one-man projects.
That’s changing, and fast. (more…)
by Alan Langford | 2007-11-28 | It's a Code, Code World
Considering that my main blog is already all over the map, topic-wise, I though it better to create another place to put the really technical stuff. This way it’s off the main page and you really have to be looking for it.
by Alan Langford | 2007-11-01 | Observations on Everything
In an absolutely brilliant but evil move, a Trojan fools users into solving CAPTCHA images. Infected users think that they’re entering codes to see a model undress, when actually they’re helping crackers register for illegal Yahoo accounts. (more…)
by Alan Langford | 2007-10-31 | Observations on Everything
Several years ago Corel’s then-CEO Michael Cowpland made quite a stir with his offhand attitude to software piracy. Paraphrasing, the slant of what he said was that he’d rather have people use unauthorized copies of his product than those of a competitor. [I have been unable to find a reference for this.] (more…)
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